The Millstream Hotel began its life as three 17th century workmen’s cottages, bordered by a fast-flowing stream called The Bosham Stream. William Marwick, a local builder, lived here and a stone tablet with WM1701 inscribed can still be seen on the front of the building.
In 1899, Mr Trevett is given as the owner of The Grange, which in 1919 was leased as a small guesthouse. Adjacent to The Grange to the east, were three further cottages, including the barn-like building, which juts out south towards the stream. After the second world war, the barn became the Bosham Sea School.
In 1965 the Grange was re-named The Millstream Hotel and it wasn’t long before villagers started calling the Bosham Stream the Millstream. In 1972 the hotel was sold to Peter Stevens, a London wine merchant, who cleverly added the extension to the west of the building, which is now the bar.
The Millstream Hotel has been owned and run by the Wild family since its purchase in 1976. In 1980 the Sea School and two other cottages in the garden were acquired, incorporating all three into the hotel. The hotel has since been developed and upgraded to what is the 31 bedroom property we know today.
John Wild acquired the Millstream after being brought up in the hotel environment, with his parents owning and running the Highcliff Hotel in Bournemouth and The Royal Court Hotel in London. The Highcliff was and still is, well known, having historically been used for the Conservative party conference and in more recent times has been acquired by a major hotel chain. The Royal Court (now the Sloane Square Hotel), was a popular hotel in London’s Chelsea and had the Beatles as its renowned regular guests.