Events at Petworth House. Throughout the year.
See the latest events calendar to learn about the events at Petworth House that can tie in with your stay. Forthcoming dates include fairs and festivals, arts and culture and music events.
Read more: What’s on

Events at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. Throughout the year.
Check the latest event dates at Portsmouth Historic Dockyards to see if they coincide with your stay. Events include family orientated activities, exhibitions, conference and talks, music, art and craft and special events throughout the year.
Read more: Events

Events at Fishbourne Roman Palace. Throughout the year.
View the 2018 events calendar and try writing in Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Roman in January; enjoy the family fun day in February, see the Celtic warriors vs Roman soldiers event in March and visit the Roman garden in bloom during June.
Read more: What’s on

Events at Weald and Downland Living Museum. Throughout the year.
A full calendar of activity is planned throughout 2018 and include a wassailing day in January, food and folk festival in May, historic gardens long weekend in June and rare and traditional breeds show during July, plus a vintage and steam show in August.
Read more: What’s on

Events at Chichester Cathedral. Throughout the year.
Chichester Cathedral hosts numerous events throughout the year, many of which are free of charge. The link below takes you to an events calendar and downloadable quarterly events leaflet.
Read more: What’s on

Goodwood. Throughout the year.
Goodwood hosts a vast array of events throughout the year, many of which are internationally renowned. Drive your own car around one of the UK’s most challenging race circuits, enjoy music nights, visit the May Festival of Food and Racing, the well renowned Festival of Speed, or the four-day Goodwood Festival in August.
Read more: Events calendar